Last Update February 2025

The W Club offers a membership that provides perks and offers, but also comes with responsibilities, including upholding the rules and protocol as a member.

By becoming a member of the W Club (the "Club"), you agree to abide by the following Club rules and protocol. Failure to follow Club rules or protocol could result in any of a number of actions, including the suspension or termination of your membership from the Club, without refund or reimbursement of any Registration Fees. Decisions on member suspensions or terminations will be made solely at the discretion of Integrity Toys, Inc. and/or Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC.

There will be absolutely no refunds, in full or part, for anyone whose privileges are limited or revoked for failure to uphold member rules and standards.

**Please note that the W Club is for collectors 18 years old and up unless they have their parents' permission.

These rules are very easy to abide by and should you find them stressful or cumbersome, we respectfully request that you do not join the Club.

We reserve the right to add rules, including forum rules, during the course of the year that members must abide by.

A. Communication/Respect

Communication between members or by members to Liaisons and IT staff should be done respectfully and with understanding. No personal attacks against or regarding any of the W Club or Integrity Toys staff will be tolerated, regardless of where they are posted. We will not tolerate foul language or threats directed at staff, in communications, event comments or otherwise. We will also not tolerate personal attacks of staff in outside forums and engaging in or otherwise facilitating such attacks will result in loss of membership without refund. Additionally, so our staff can be accurate and efficient, all communication, including forum, event and online chat participation, must be in English.

B. Transfers Of Memberships

Transfers of Club memberships are strictly prohibited. Only one person's name can be associated with each membership and that cannot be changed during the W Club year. Two or more persons cannot 'split' a Club membership.

C. Sharing Of First-to-know Confidential Information

A part of the value each member derives from the Club includes receiving early notification and information regarding various products, opportunities and events. As a Club member, you are expressly prohibited from sharing any part of such information, in written, verbal, photographic or other form, with any non-Club members, prior to its official release by Integrity Toys or without express written permission from the W Club Liaisons. This also includes posting any confidential information and photos on any other internet site (this includes all social media platforms, i.e., Facebook, Instagram, blogs, X, other doll boards, messaging groups or apps, etc.) other than the W Club forum until the confidentiality period is over. Posting confidential information prior to the designated official release will result in immediate membership termination from the W Club with no refund.

**If you accidentally stumble upon unreleased information for whatever reason, please alert the W Club Liaisons immediately and do not share this information anywhere. Any sharing of non-public information that has not been sent to you via the W Club directly or released via other official Integrity channels will be considered a violation of W Club rules.**

Photo Copyrights: Only official Integrity Toys dealers are given permission to use the official product pictures for commercial purposes as per the agreement Integrity Toys has with them (i.e., to sell product online). W Club members are granted limited photo usage for informational purposes only (that's a fancy way of saying that you can post Integrity Toys copyrighted photos after confidential periods expire to share the information, but not to sell the products depicted in the picture).

If you plan to sell your Integrity items online, we highly recommend that you always take actual pictures of those items. It takes just a few more minutes, but it will avoid a lot of conflicts with potential buyers, since they will get to see the actual item that they are buying from you. Our goal is not to police the entire Internet, but please remember that Integrity Toys, Inc. is the intellectual property owner of all of the official product pictures that they release.

Webinar/Visual Presentation Copyrights: All Integrity/W Club visual presentations, webinars and videos (be it online or live at events, conventions, etc.) are property of Integrity Toys and/or The W Club. These are a special perk for attending members.

Members are not authorized to copy/reproduce any part of these presentations (whether it is by doing screen captures on an iPad, a computer, taking a picture of it and/or by filming it) and/or repost it IN ANY FORM anywhere on the Internet, such as blogs, fan pages, Instagram, chat boards, YouTube, Facebook, X, Flickr, private groups, messaging apps or any other type of social media or website in general.

D. W Club Forum Rules And Etiquette

It is very important for us to maintain privacy and privilege in the W Club, as that is a big part of its value. The W Club forum is for members only and any comments or feedback posted in the forum need to remain in the forum and not shared or posted anywhere on the internet (that includes podcasts, social media, blogs, other doll boards, and anywhere on the internet). It is extremely important that we keep the forum for members only and that members feel safe that their views will not be posted outside of the forum. The information in the forum is private and we expect all of our members to abide by the rules that you agree to follow when you register for the W Club.

When participating in the W Club forum (located at https://www.wclubforum.com), in addition to the general W Club Rules and Protocols, the following and any updates done throughout the year must be observed at all times in order to help you and others make the most of their forum experience:

  1. The W Club forum is solely to discuss the topic of dolls. No political, religious or discriminatory discussions, directly or indirectly, in any shape or form will be tolerated at any time. Furthermore, the forum is meant to foster community. It is not a place meant to solicit official information or make official requests of the W Club or Integrity Toys. All of that should be done through the VIP customer service email at wclub@integritytoys.com or other company contacts (such as PatientCare).
  2. All discussions must be conducted in a constructive manner intended to create a good experience for all forum users. Excessive and derogatory language and complaints, speculation, misinformation, rude language and other non-constructive posts are prohibited. All W Club members speak for themselves, not collectors as a whole. Complaints and constructive feedback should be limited to only the specific section set aside for such (The CCC section).
  3. Topics that are directly related to or may lead to racism, gender inequality, or discrimination in any shape or form will be shut down and whoever is involved may see their posting rights pulled at our discretion without warning.
  4. No personal attacks, including towards other Club members, dealers, Integrity or W Club team members, etc. are allowed.
  5. No posting of offensive material, including without limitation, racist comments, extremist propaganda, disturbing photos, GIF’s and/or videos, etc. GIF replies and emphasis are not welcome in the forum.
  6. Intentionally trying to create drama on the forum or responding to posts and escalating situations is not allowed. Report any concerning posts or block members if you don’t want to see their posts.
  7. No discussion or photos of dolls by manufacturers other than Integrity Toys. This forum is strictly dedicated to Integrity Toys branded collectibles.
  8. As per point C (above), if for whatever reason you come across information that has not been released yet, report this to wclub@integritytoys.com, do not share this anywhere on the internet, in or outside of the forum.
  9. If you conduct trades and/or sales in the W Club forum, only Integrity Toys branded products are allowed.
  10. There will be no policing, price monitoring or harassing related to the topics of pricing or sales, including secondary market selling, other members on their “asking price” or third party selling, whether in the forum or outside of it.
  11. You may not use the forum as a way to gather information on members and harass them in other venues (such as via eBay and social media). Members doing this will find their privileges restricted.
  12. It is strictly forbidden to solicit sales or other perks on behalf of non-members (as per section “F”, below).
  13. If you want to seek references for sale transactions, please limit them to private messages. You may ask members to contact you directly to discuss your concerns, however, we will not tolerate topics that expose transactions gone bad in public. The W Club is not involved in such transactions and neither are other members. Sales conflict resolution should be conducted in private at all times; related public posts will be deleted. With that being said, the W Club represents a collector community. We do not tolerate the scamming of other members and if people are consistently reported as being bad actors, we will remove those individuals at our sole discretion.
  14. Remember that we have members from all over the world and English may not be everyone’s first language. This sometimes leads to misinterpretations and at times, may lead to unnecessary arguments. Please exercise patience and understanding.
  15. All moderator actions are final. You may not repost what has already been deleted by the moderator. Picking fights with moderators or passive-aggressive posting towards them is not allowed under any circumstances.
  16. Attempting to circumvent any of the forum rules will be considered as a form of rule breaking in itself.

All W Club perks (including forum access, viewing and posting) are just that; perks and privileges. These privileges can be revoked at any time by the W Club Staff, in whole or in part, for failure to comply with any of the W Club rules, with no refund. Additionally, if a member is engaged in consistent negative, inflammatory or disruptive posting or similar behavior in the W Club members-only forum or otherwise, their access to the forum may be revoked temporarily or permanently, at the sole discretion of the W Club staff.

E. Pre-sale Of W Club Exclusive Merchandise

Pre-selling any Club exclusive merchandise is expressly prohibited. Pre-selling is defined as listing or advertising for sale or trade any exclusive item(s) before you pay for the item in full. To keep the 'field' level for all members, you agree not to engage in any way in pre-selling outside of the W Club forum to non-members and acknowledge that any attempted pre-selling may result in, among other things, the suspension or termination of your Club membership, without refund or reimbursement of any registration fees. You may, however, make trade or sale arrangements within the W Club forum with other Club members.

F. Offering W Club Exclusive Merchandise Or Opportunities To Non-Members

Offering your opportunities to access items and offers meant only for Club members to non-Club members in any way (including, but not limited to through private and public forums), is expressly prohibited. This includes any product not made available to the public at large. If you do not want to take advantage of an offer that you are selected for, this opportunity must go to another Club member and not to a non-Club member, as this constitutes a circumvention of paying Club dues. Once you take advantage of an offer and have paid in full (see pre-sales above), you may do whatever you want with the items (sell, keep them, etc.); however, we will not tolerate members making pre-arranged deals with non-Club members or advertising the ability to get a Club deal for a non-Club member. Any members found violating this policy will immediately lose access to all special offers and/or forfeit their memberships without any type of registration fee refund or reimbursement.

Please note that the W Club is a separate entity from Integrity Toys and that membership in the W Club does not guarantee access to any or all Integrity Toys' non-Club exclusive dolls and accessories. None of the dolls available through the Integrity Toys' authorized dealers can be purchased through the W Club and are not W Club exclusive items.

G. Rules Circumvention

Any attempt to circumvent Club rules by perceived loopholes or otherwise will in itself be deemed a violation of Club rules. Attempting to circumvent rules or past interactions by assuming a false or hidden identity is expressly prohibited.

H. Communications Protocol

Questions relating to product knowledge (edition sizes, hair colors, variations, product timing, etc.), as well as issues or comments regarding the W Club should be directed solely to the Club Liaisons via email at wclub@integritytoys.com. Integrity Toys has designated the W Club Liaisons as the first point of contact for member product knowledge and feedback so that Integrity can focus on designing and manufacturing new items, and dealing with bona fide customer service issues. Any issues that the Liaisons cannot resolve will be forwarded to Integrity Toys.

If you have an issue on if an order has shipped, you can first check your order history in the IT Direct online store for a tracking number under “My Account”. Other questions regarding orders or shipping may be directed to wclub@integritytoys.com as well.

All issues concerning defective or broken products should always be sent to patientcare@integritytoys.com. If you need to report a defective item, please take a photo of the problem and send it with a short email outlining what the issue is. Also, include your full name and mailing address, as this will help the Patient Care team set up your case faster.

Integrity Toys' motto is "Serving You with Pride". As a courtesy, it is requested and strongly encouraged that any problems with Integrity Toys' products or other issues be brought to the Liaisons or Integrity Toys first to solve, before taking issues into any forum.

Taking problems to public or private forums (such as the W Club forum) will not get them solved and could have unintended damaging effects to the Company, so please let them get the first opportunity to solve your issues and make you a happy customer.

Please understand that IT staff members are allowed to have a private presence online. Do not contact individual members of the company personally, via either Instagram, Messenger, Facebook or any other means. If you have questions, contact wclub@integritytoys.com. Questions sent directly to individual staff members will be ignored.

I. Following Through On Commitments

When Club members do not follow through on commitments (such as entering a lottery and then not purchasing the item), they create significant extra work and sometimes take opportunities away from other members. Should you decide not to follow through on a Club commitment, it will automatically disqualify you from future lottery and pre-order opportunities.

The W Club does its best to make sure that all members have the chance to pay the balance for any item that they have won the chance to purchase in a lottery or pre-ordered. Should a member not pay the balance by the deadline set out in the payment notice for any of the exclusive W Club items that are pre-ordered, all deposits will be forfeited, you will not be issued a refund or credit for that deposit and you lose the opportunity to purchase this item. By pre-ordering any of the exclusive W Club dolls offered during the year, you agree to abide by these conditions.

J. Perquisites And Special Offers

Most W Club offers are time sensitive and in order to take advantage of those offers, Club members must respond within the specified time guidelines. While they make every attempt to be as fair as possible to all Club members, Integrity Toys and the W Club reserve the right to conduct offers, perquisites and lotteries in any manner they see fit.

K. Ownership Of Submissions

Neither the W Club nor Integrity Toys will compensate members and non-members alike in any way for any ideas or suggestions relating to products, services, marketing, distribution nor any other matters. Please note that any unsolicited materials, emails or other communications will become the sole joint property of Integrity Toys and the W Club. This also applies to any ideas that are posted in the online Club forum and feedback given through surveys, marketing studies or focus groups unless expressly outlined otherwise in advance in writing. Any submissions and any questions, comments, answers, suggestions, or the like submitted by you to Integrity Toys and/or the Club via phone, fax, email, mail, forum post or otherwise will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and neither Integrity Toys nor the W Club will assume any responsibility, obligation or liability for them or for Integrity Toys' or the Club's receipt or non-receipt of them.
You grant to both Integrity Toys and the W Club a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and sub licensable right and license to reproduce, distribute, publish, transmit, modify, adapt, translate, display, distribute, sell, license, publicly perform, prepare derivative works based upon and otherwise use or exploit any submissions throughout the world in any and all media. You represent and warrant that: (a) you have the right and authorization to make the foregoing grant without the consent of any third party, and (b) any submissions are accurate and, as permitted to be used by Integrity Toys and the W Club in this Agreement, do not and will not infringe any right of any third party.

L. Notifications

When you send emails to Integrity and/or the W Club, you are communicating electronically to them and you consent to receive communications from Integrity and/or the Club electronically. Furthermore, you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that are provided to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.
Please add the email wclub@integritytoys.com to your email address book or approved list of email addresses. This will ensure that you receive all transmissions from the Club promptly. While the W Club does their best to make sure that Club members receive all notices, it is each member's responsibility to provide an email address that does not have a problem receiving bulk emails and has an inbox with free space to accept notices and communications.

M. Membership Term

2025 memberships are valid until the latter of January 1, 2026 or when the 2026 W Club membership registration period begins.

N. Taxes And Customs

Residents of various US states may be required to pay taxes on purchases of merchandise from the W Club, as US state tax rules have shifted related to online purchases. If you reside outside of the United States, you may be required to pay taxes, import duties or customs on merchandise purchased through the W Club. Integrity Toys will not alter customs forms in any way, so please do not ask.

O. Indemnity

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold both Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC (which includes both Integrity Toys' and Intercap's affiliates, subsidiaries, agents and service providers) harmless from all liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) on account of any claim, suit, action, demand, or proceeding made or brought against any such party, or on account of the investigation, defense, or settlement thereof, arising in connection with your membership in the W Club, and/or your violation of the Club rules set forth in this document.

P. Final Protocol Request

Members of the W Club receive a large amount of information. Every effort is made to include all available information inside the email releases, newsletters, etc. It is requested that you read all information carefully and follow all instructions, as 99.99% of the time that questions are received after a release, the answer to the question is already clearly stated in the emails. Please take your time to review the information and specifically follow instructions as your cooperation will allow more time to plan fun opportunities for the W Club!

Ready to Join?


Ready to Join?

**All text and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2025 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission.

FASHION ROYALTY, POPPY PARKER, NU. FACE, EAST 59TH, THE MONARCHS HOMME, METEOR, NU. FANTASY, TULABELLE TRUE & CO. and all other character marks followed by ™ or ® are trademarks of Integrity Toys, Inc. Chesapeake City MD USA 21915. All rights reserved.

The W Club is a trademark of Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.
Photography by Bill and Shaunessey Peck. Layouts and graphics by Alain Tremblay, Marketing.