Updated February 2025

If you are a fully registered W Club member and missed the deadline to purchase a W Club exclusive doll or want extras and that waitlist is open on the self-serve waitlist page, you are welcome to add your name to that waitlist. If any dolls are available after that doll's final payment period has ended, we will contact the members who joined the waitlists by order of priority.

This page is designed to answer the top frequently asked questions that we get about this system. Please read attentively BEFORE adding your name to any waitlist. Thank you for your collaboration!

Waitlists Are For Members Only

You must be a registered member of the W Club in order to be able to add your name to any of the active waitlists listed on the self-served waitlist page, which can be found HERE.

How To Add Your Name To A Waitlist

  1. Log into your Integrity Toys shopping cart account that you purchased your W Club membership with, so that our system can verify your W Club membership status*.
  2. Once you have accessed the item that you are interested in, click once on the "WAITLIST" button. A message saying that you have successfully added your name to that particular waitlist will appear.
  3. A waitlist marker will be automatically added to your waitlist profile.

*Note: Waitlists are solely meant for active W Club members. As per above, unless the current annual membership mark appears on your "VIP Makers" tab, waitlists will be off-limits to you and you will not be able to add your name to any lists. If you are part of a membership "group" and another member manages your membership for you, this person will be in charge of entering and managing waitlist requests in their account.

Only One Waitlist Entry Per Account

The waitlist tab will only allow you to add your name to the waitlist once. If/when the liaisons contact you with an offer, you would like to purchase more than one doll, please let them know at that time. If stock is available and they can allow you to purchase multiples (within reasonable limits), they will let you know and adjust the markers on your account accordingly. Please understand that we are doing this in an attempt to accommodate as many members who added their names to the waitlists as possible first before we start offering multiples to anyone.

How To View And Manage Your Pending Waitlist Requests

  • Click on "Account" on the top toolbar and when your account profile page appears, simply click on the "Your Waitlisted Items" tab. From there, you will be able to view all the waitlists that you opted in.
  • This space will also allow you to manage your waitlist requests.
  • If you change your mind and would like to remove your name from any waitlist, simply click on the "Trash" icon to delete the entry.
  • To add your name to a waitlist again after it has been deleted, you will need to go back to the self-serve waitlist page and re-access that waitlist to add your name to it again. Note that if you delete yourself and then add it back later, you will lose your earlier place in the queue.
  • Whether or not we have been able to make you an offer, waitlist marks will automatically disappear from your profile once a doll is completely sold out.

First-Come, First-Served Only

Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing in advance how many (if any) dolls we will be able to allocate to any given waitlist. If and when we do have dolls, they will be offered to those who added their name to the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis.

No Guarantees

Adding your name to a waitlist does not constitute a guarantee that we will have a doll for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Can A Doll Be Available To A Waitlist?

Once exclusive / non-dealer made-to-order dolls arrive at the IT warehouse, W Club members who pre-ordered them are typically given a fixed period to honor their commitment. Unfortunately, sometimes, a small amount of members fail to come through with payment. When this happens, those remaining quantities are made available on a first-come, first-served basis to those who added their name to the waitlist.

I've Added My Name To A Waitlist, When Can I Expect To Be Contacted?

Look on the self-serve waitlist page under each product; the estimated waitlist contact time is clearly indicated. If you add your name to any of the waitlists, should a doll become available, that's the approximate timeframe that you can expect an email containing the actual purchase details (should we have a doll available for you).


I Added My Name To A Waitlist But Never Heard Back From You, Why?

You will not hear back from us on a waitlist request, unless:

    • The dolls are in stock and those who pre-ordered have had a chance to pay;


    • We have a waitlist doll available for you.

Which Dolls Are There Waitlists For?

Waitlists are only for those dolls that are made to order (either W Club exclusives or IT Direct exclusives).

Except for rare exceptions, there are no waitlists for:

  • Dolls offered via the right-to-buy lottery system.
  • Dolls sold through the authorized Integrity Toys dealer network.

I Didn't Win In A Right-To-Buy Lottery, Why Can't I Join A Waitlist?

If you entered and did not win in any given right-to-buy lottery, please note that should dolls remain once those who were selected have had a fair chance to pay, we will conduct a second chance lottery amongst the non-winners. Because of this, unless we no longer have lottery tickets to pull from, there are no waitlists for dolls sold via the right-to-buy lottery system.

On those rare occasions when a waitlist will be open for a right-to-buy lottery doll, it will be listed in a future W Club newsletter.

I Saw A Doll Sold Through One Of Your Dealers, Why Is There No Waitlist?

When a doll is sold via the authorized Integrity Toys dealer network, because 100% of its edition size is split between all dealers, Integrity Toys does not have stock and cannot keep a running waitlist If you are interested in any of those dolls, you will have to reach out to the dealers. To access the list of authorized Integrity Toys dealers, please CLICK HERE.

Once I Have Been Contacted, How Long Will I Have To Pay?

Typically, the liaisons will give you between 7 to 10 days to pay. The exact payment deadline date and payment instructions will be stated in the offer that you will receive via email (should a doll become available for you).

I Would Like More Than One Waitlist Doll, What Then?

As stated above, when dolls become available for distribution via the waitlist system, quantities are extremely limited. The liaisons will always try their best to accommodate as many members as possible first by offering one doll per member who requested one. If you would like more than one, please feel free to ask when you receive an offer. If such a request can be honored, they will let you know and adjust your account accordingly.

If I Fail To Come Through On A Waitlist Commitment, What Happens?

Waitlist requests are non-binding and you may opt out at any time without penalty to your membership(s).

As a courtesy to your fellow members and our staff, if you have changed your mind, we would like to request that you take your name off any/all lists that you are no longer interested in. To do so, simply click the trash icon beside that list on your waitlist tab. This will help us better manage the process and allow us to deliver dolls to those who want them faster. Thank you for your collaboration!


*All text and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2025 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission.

FASHION ROYALTY, POPPY PARKER, NU. FACE, EAST 59TH, THE MONARCHS HOMME, METEOR, NU. FANTASY, TULABELLE TRUE & CO. and all other character marks followed by ™ or ® are trademarks of Integrity Toys, Inc. Chesapeake City MD USA 21915. All rights reserved.

The W Club is a trademark of Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.
Layouts and graphics by Alain Tremblay, Marketing.